Be the greatest Sorcerer!

Sorcell Sleuth is an ambitious mage who is to participate in an annual wizard championship.

Help him prepare the greatest spell Esheria, a land full of magic, has ever seen.

He needs to study, but also eat regularly and keep a steady supply of wood for the fireplace in his cozy fall residence.

But watch out, every now and then random events will occur, which can have both positive or negative effects on your progress!

This game was made in 72h as part of the 'Cozy Fall Game Jam (2023)'.

The web version might have some performance issues. We recommend downloading the game.

Minigame Tutorial

Currently, there is no proper tutorial for a certain mini-game, so here is a written tutorial to help you until we have implemented an in-game one:

It's a drag-and-drop mechanic. You have two drop-areas: The border with the fishes and Sorcell himself. Your task is to drag the good productive thoughts onto Sorcell and the unproductive thoughts into the border.


Download 65 MB
SorcellSleuth-1.0-linux.tar.bz2 45 MB


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This was a fun little game! I managed to get Grandmaster on my first go through, though I am curious if the fox would have done anything if I hadn't - either way, I was happy to feed him ;3

Aside from the one major thing which I assume was due to a lack of time (no tutorial for the concentration mechanic. Thank you for having one on the page here!), one thing that jumped out at me as something that would help, is a sound cue when more thoughts emerge during this part. I almost missed the second onslaught of thoughts because I looked away while waiting for the timer to run out. A sound as they fade in might be nice.

I really enjoyed the art and the resource management system! And the tone was most certainly cozy heh Congrats on finishing the game in time for the jam, and if you polish it up - I wish the whole team the best!

(in browser, the game didn't run great on firefox, but I didn't have any issues on chrome.)

(1 edit)

Thank you for trying our game! <3


A very nice game with cool concept, all the best improving it! Just one thing I will suggest that I didn't like personally is it ended so fast on Day 20, the story was building quite calmly till that time, and suddenly it showed "You didn't make it, better luck next year". I think it would have been better to do add some more story lines saying like "You saw a lot of other magicians", "You were feeling nervous", etc. (not these lines obviously, whatever fits, I just wrote some random things xD) before actually saying "You didn't make it". I mean to take the player to the ending a bit slowly, so it feels more cinematic and realistic like all the other days! Anyway, nice VN! Good Job! =)

Thank you so much for your comment! We are currently working on an update that involves a revision of the script (among lots of other things.) We will try to include your feedback ♥

You're welcome! I will definitely check out the update!

It took me sometime to understand the concentration mechanic so i got the bad ending :( But this time I'm gonna be the greatest sorcerer!

Yes, guide Sorcell to victory! 🧙‍♂️✨